Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (2024)

Alex Sandoval

Whenever that glimmery ball drops, ushering in a whole new year, we're often filled with a unique mix of optimism, excitement — and okay, to be fair, at least a little anxiety — about what the next 12 months may bring. Given the intensity of the last two years, at least on a global scale, all of those New Year's emotions are likely to be on another level as we welcome 2022. And there's good news: While change will continue to be a major theme, the coming year is filled with opportunities for growth.

Intrigued? Keep reading for the general 2022 astrology predictions, or scroll down to see what your sign should expect in their 2022 horoscope.

2022 Astrology Predictions

The main astrological narrative of 2021 was Saturn, the planet of hard work, boundaries, and restrictions, squaring off against Uranus, the planet of surprises and revolution, currently moving through Taurus. Major aspects between two outer planets speak to big picture trends and patterns for society as a whole, and this aspect — which bleeds into 2022 and will reach its fever pitch from September 17 to October 24 — will continue to highlight the push-pull between the old guard, or status quo, and a collective desire for change. (Wondering how it might affect you personally? Consider looking at your natal chart, and checking out which houses Uranus and Saturn will be transiting. Those areas of life are where you've been torn between maintaining old structures and exploring new paths.)

More change will be driven by the North Node and South Node — aka the Lunar Nodes, which are mathematical points in the sky — moving out of mutable air and fire signs Gemini and Sagittarius, where they've been since May 5, 2020, and into fixed earth and water signs Taurus and Scorpio. This means all of the eclipses this year will take place in these two signs, bringing eye-opening experiences and shake-ups related to security, values, and our most intimate relationships, and the signs who will feel it the most will be not only Taurus and Scorpio people but Leos and Aquarians as well.

Keep these dates in mind:

  • April 30: Solar eclipse and new moon in Taurus

  • May 15: Lunar eclipse and full moon in Scorpio

  • October 25: Solar eclipse and new moon in Scorpio

  • November 8: Lunar eclipse and full moon in Taurus

And we'll get another echo from last year: Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance that has an expansive effect on everything it comes in contact with, will spend most of 2022 in mutable water sign Pisces. From December 28, 2021 to May 10 and once more from October 28 to December 20, the largest planet in our solar system will magnify Piscean themes such as artistic self-expression, empathy, spirituality, mysticism, and escapism. And because Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, it's comfortable there, allowing it to offer up even more luck— or at the very least, buoyancy and optimism — than usual. On April 12, it will pair up with mystical Neptune in Pisces for the first time since 1856, marking the start of a rare, spiritually-charged cycle that will set a new tone in art, pop culture, self-work and development, and how we apply our imaginations until these two power players meet again — next time, in Aries — in March 2035.

Speaking of the future, we'll get a sneak peek of what 2023 could feel like from May 10 to October 28 when Jupiter spends time in cardinal fire sign Aries for the first time since early 2011, magnifying our competitive streaks, assertiveness, courage, and playfulness.

The desire to put your foot on the gas to hit your goals could be especially strong while Jupiter's in the fiery, dynamic, Mars-ruled sign, but overall, 2022 will require spending more time going inward, as it's brimming with one retrograde after the next — yep, even more than the average year. The main ones to circle on the calendar:

  • December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022: Venus retrograde in Capricorn

  • January 14-February 3, 2022: Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

  • May 10-June 2, 2022: Mercury retrograde in Gemini and Taurus

  • September 9-October 2, 2022: Mercury retrograde in Libra and Virgo

  • October 30-January 12, 2023: Mars retrograde in Gemini

  • December 29-January 18, 2023: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn

Meanwhile, transformative Pluto, moving as slowly as it does, will remain in cardinal earth sign Capricorn until 2024, continuing to fuel old-school, traditional thinking that's at odds with the growing push to create new foundations and power structures. It'll also hit the same spot it was in when the U.S. was founded, marking the country's Pluto return, which is setting up to be a moment filled with reckoning and major economic shifts. Mystical Neptune, which clouds rational thought, is also staying put in escapism-loving Pisces until 2025. On its better days, this transit allows us to harness the power of spirituality and imagination, and, on its darker days, it makes it challenging to pinpoint where we're headed and clouds facts.

Ultimately, 2022 won't be without its roller coaster moments, but in general, it feels more hopeful than the last two years. It's a year filled with opportunities for enlightenment and expanding your horizons, gaining clarity around your passions, and embracing dreamy downtime dedicated to reflecting on your desires.

Want to know more about how 2022's astrological highlights will affect your health and wellness, relationships, and career? Read on for your sign's 2022 horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

2022 Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign

Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (1)

Aries (March 21–April 19)


With lucky Jupiter moving through your sign (for the first time since 2010-2011!) from May 10 to October 28, you'll be even more fired up than usual to make progress on your big-picture goals, which obviously includes taking your fitness routine to the next level. Your confidence soars, making this a time when you can pour extra energy into any long-term intention — whether that's lifting heavier or running a faster 5K.


Your relationship with yourself could be your main focus while fortunate Jupiter moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20. Prioritizing self-work and caring for yourself psychologically and spiritually can have you feeling extra centered, self-aware, and even more capable of being intentional and setting the kind of boundaries that will serve as the groundwork for dreamy and fulfilling bonds, whether platonic or romantic.


From October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023, your ruler, go-getter Mars, will be retrograde in your third house of communication, causing what could feel like downright dizzying information overload at times. The lesson here is to get clear on who you want to be working with and how you can detail your vision to make it a reality. By the time we're through this transit, you'll feel more focused on how to best exert your energy to get the results you've been aiming for.

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Taurus (April 20–May 20)


As the year kicks off, you could be feeling a little low on inspiration for your self-care routine as a result of your ruler, social Venus, moving retrograde through your ninth house of adventure until January 29. But once it goes direct, you'll have until March 6 to get out of your comfort zone for the benefit of your well-being. (Think: pairing up with friends who've been raving about their new winter-sport hobby or hot yoga class.) And while messenger Mercury spends extra time in your sixth house of wellness this year — from August 25 to September 23 and again from October 10 to 29 — you'll get the green light to experiment with your day-to-day wellness routine.


Thanks to abundance-bringing Jupiter moving through your eleventh house of networking from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, you'll find it easier to connect with friends and colleagues who not only want to nurture your bond but who are also up for working toward a mutual goal. At the same time, two eclipses will hit your seventh house of partnership — on May 15 and October 25 — nudging you to reflect on your closest one-on-one connections and potentially 86-ing any that aren't as reciprocal as they should be.


Around April 30 and November 8, eclipses in your sign could serve as stunning wake-up calls to switch up your approach to personal goals. You'll want your game plan to be informed not by what you think you should be getting after but by what you, in your heart of hearts, want to achieve, which is no doubt applause-worthy. Because your seventh house of partnership is activated now, too, you'll find that honing the ways in which you're partnering with others is a crucial part of the equation as well.

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Gemini (May 21–June 20)


The past two years have been filled with changes related to self-image, and now, with eclipses hitting your sixth house of wellness and twelfth house of spirituality, 2022 is all about going inward and ensuring your day-to-day and self-care routine reflects your self-work. If you're focusing on the details of how you're exerting your energy and swimming in deep, challenging emotions — especially around April 30, May 15, October 25, and November 8 — you're right on track.


You can look forward to more playfulness, spontaneity, creativity, and an opportunity to speak your truth while messenger Mercury spends more time than usual in your fifth house of self-expression and romance from August 25 to September 23 and again from October 10 to 29. You can take advantage of this period by making sure your actions are aligned with your most heartfelt desires.


Think back to late spring and early summer 2021. Whatever was coming up for you professionally is bound to get even bigger and luckier thanks to the planet of fortune, Jupiter, moving through your tenth house of career for most of the year — specifically from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and later from October 28 to December 20. Now's your moment to step into the spotlight, take the initiative, head up higher stakes projects, and pitch your most brilliant ideas, all of which people you respect and admire can't help but applaud.

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Cancer (June 21–July 22)


Thanks to lucky Jupiter spending most of the year in your ninth house of adventure — specifically from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and later from October 28 to December 20 — you'll be feeling more confident, fired up, and cool with getting out of your comfort zone. These periods could make it a no-brainer to get after that aggressive strength goal, try a bold new hobby, or experiment with challenging, nutrient-dense recipes in the kitchen. As long as you're learning and broadening your horizons, you'll be getting exactly what you need out of the experience.


2022 requires you to reflect on the people and creative projects you most want to be engaging with thanks to the year's four change-bringing eclipses hitting your fifth house of romance and eleventh house of networking. The best way to test whether you're in sync with your connections: Take a step back and consider how comfy you are in your skin when you're around them. From there, your intuition will tell you everything you need to know.


Expansive Jupiter will throw a major spotlight on your professional life from May 10 to October 28, offering a preview of what you'll enjoy even more of in 2023. Whether you've been vying for more recognition on the job, building your own business, or hoping to move into a higher-profile position, the planet of abundance can make even your wildest career goals a reality. Your main challenge: being intentional about what you want, because the sky's the limit now.

Leo (July 23–August 22)


Right out the gate, social Venus will be retrograde in your sixth house of wellness until January 29, offering an opportunity to makeover your daily routine so that it brings you more pleasure. Think: working out with friends (if even virtually), carving out time in your day to meditate or stretch, and getting more organized with a pretty planner. And from May 10 to October 28, fortunate Jupiter's move through your ninth house of adventure will inspire you to shake up your go-to fitness plan for one that feels like a spiritually-satisfying learning experience.


Messenger Mercury will have your reflecting on all of your relationships — from the deepest to the most collegial or platonic — as it moves backward through your seventh house of partnership from January 14 to 25, eleventh house of networking from May 10 to 24, and third house of communication from September 9 to 23. Consider these moments valuable opps to have any overdue heart-to-hearts and to gain clarity around reciprocity within your bonds.


This year's eclipses — falling on April 30, May 15, October 25, and November 8 — hit your fourth house of home life and tenth house of career, requiring you to overhaul how you've been handling (or perhaps not handling) your work-life balance. Healing, emotional self-work could very well be the key to understanding why you've been holding yourself back in certain ways. At these lunar inflection points, tending to old wounds can shore up your inner sense of security, allowing you to more effortlessly move toward the professional recognition you deserve.

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Virgo (August 23–September 22)


With serious Saturn continuing to hunker down in your sixth house of wellness this year, you'll be feeling fortunate that your plate is brimming with professional and social commitments, but you're also stretched too thin, and the burnout is real. The taskmaster planet's job here is to encourage you to implement more structure, boundaries, and to know and set your own limits for the sake of your present and future well-being. Whatever groundwork you set now could help you feel in balance and vital for years to come.


You got a taste of expansive Jupiter spending time in your seventh house of partnership when it was there briefly last year, and now, from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, it'll throw the spotlight on one-on-one relationships. If you're single, you could meet someone who feels like your other half. And if you're attached, this transit will serve to amplify your ability to work together as a team toward your biggest shared goals. You can also look forward to plenty of fortune in business partnerships and friendships.


Your ruler, Mercury, the planet of communication, will nudge you to get clear on your moneymaking and career goals when it retrogrades through your sixth house of daily routine from January 14 to 25, tenth house of career from May 10 to 24, and second house of income — and your sign — from September 9 to October 2. These will be periods in which you can clean out the cobwebs, tackle old business, and get even more organized, leaving you with more headspace and energy to hit your stride professionally.

Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (7)

Libra (September 23–October 22)


Last year, you got a sneak peek of lucky Jupiter moving through your sixth house of wellness, expanding opportunities to bring more balance into your day-to-day. Now, from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, the sky's the limit for adding in more thrilling workouts, getting on the ball with your meditation or mindfulness practice, and involving the people who bring you the most joy in your routine. Just beware of the tendency to bite off more than you can chew, because whenever magnifying Jupiter's involved, it's always possible to end up with too much of a good thing.


From May 10 to October 28, expansive Jupiter moves through your seventh house of partnership, bringing even more opportunities to pair up with people you adore to move forward on shared goals. If you're single, this transit could be a super fortuitous one for connecting with someone who is aligned with your future vision. If you're attached, you and your S.O. could start thinking about taking your relationship to the next level. And you'll enjoy more of this lucky energy once Jupiter spends even more time in this zone in 2023.


Around May 15 and October 25, when two of this year's eclipses hit your second house of income, you'll be feeling pushed to switch up your moneymaking plan. Ultimately, this game-changing moment is an opportunity to reassess the projects you're pouring your time and energy into. Are you being adequately rewarded for your efforts, or might you do better to invest in something more fulfilling — not only financially, but also emotionally? Now's your chance to dig deep and pinpoint the answers to these major Qs.

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Scorpio (October 23–November 21)


Thanks to lucky Jupiter's time in your fifth house of self-expression and fun from December 28 to May 10 to again from October 28 to December 20, you can infuse your fitness routine with more creativity and lighthearted playfulness. Think back to the activities you loved when you were a kid, whether that was swimming, dance, or playing a favorite sport. They could even be more emotionally fulfilling pastimes, like journaling or crafting. Either way, you'll be able to more easily pick up where you left off this year. And know that the joyful activities you add in now could aid in keeping your energy up and hitting health goals now and into 2023.


The April 30 and November 8 eclipses hit your seventh house of partnership, and the other two this year — on May 15 and October 25 — fall in your sign, meaning this year's a biggie for figuring out how to best balance your sense of self and personal desires with those of your partners — whether romantic, business, or platonic. If you and they are both willing to meet halfway, your bond will flourish, but if there's an innate lack of reciprocity, these eclipses can serve as eye-opening moments during which painful imbalance becomes too apparent to deny. Just remember that creating room for changes in this area of your life will only leave you stronger and more fulfilled.


While lucky Jupiter is in your sixth house of daily routine from May 10 to October 28, you'll get a sneak peek of a luckier, more professionally fulfilling everyday hustle that will only consider to expand in 2023. If you've been daydreaming about starting a side gig or stepping into a more powerful position on the job, this could be your moment to take the bull by the horns. Plus, because Jupiter will form a harmonious trine to your midheaven (MC), your confidence will soar, making you an even more attractive collaborator to potential higher-ups or clients.

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Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)


Around April 30 and November 8, when the eclipses hit your sixth house of wellness, you could have an epiphany or an intense, eye-opening moment that really puts your current schedule and self-care plan into perspective. Chances are, your approach could use a makeover. Thankfully, these lunar events present an opportunity to meditate on what you want your daily routine to look like and how it can better support your fitness goals.


While expansive Jupiter, your ruler, moves through your fourth house of home life from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, you'll find even more time and energy to dedicate to nurturing your bonds with loved ones and friends who are basically family. Although you're not exactly much of a homebody, quiet nights in or weekends spent puttering around your place, gardening or going through old photo albums with your nearest and dearest could feel even more fulfilling than usual. And while the planet of fortune dips into your fifth house of romance from May 10 to October 28, you'll get a preview of the extra fun, spontaneous, creative, and flirtatious energy you'll enjoy in spades next year.


Several major retrogrades light up your second house of income this year. As the year kicks off and until January 29, social Venus will be retrograde there, nudging you to reassess how you're bringing your skills to the table — particularly in collaborative moneymaking endeavors — and if you're getting what you deserve for it. And while messenger Mercury is retrograde there from December 29 to January 18, 2023, you'll have an opportunity to go back to the drawing board to perfect your earning and investment strategy.

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Capricorn (December 22–January 19)


If you've been wanting to try a bolder, more aggressive fitness routine, make a point to get on that earlier in the year. Once go-getter Mars is retrograde in your sixth house of wellness from October 30 to January 12, 2023, you could be more drawn to reflective, self-care-related activities, like restorative yoga, meditation, or mobility work. Although you'd prefer to be plowing ahead, this slowdown period offers a chance to show up for yourself in a whole new, rejuvenating way.


Relationship-oriented Venus kicks off the year retrograde in your sign, moving backward until January 29, urging you to go inward and meditate on the relationship between your sense of self and how you're showing up in your closest bonds. This can be a productive moment for building confidence and polishing up your self-image. And once messenger Mercury is retrograde there from December 29 to January 18, you'll be dealing with similar themes and refining how you express your needs.


While lucky Jupiter is in your third house of communication from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and again from October 28 to December 20, you'll be presented with plenty of ops to pick up new skills, connect with interesting people, and make progress along your professional path with a little — and likely, at times, a lot of — help from your friends. Being especially open to exploring uncharted terrain can be a major asset during these periods.

Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (11)

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)


You'll continue to be dealt tests around caring for yourself and setting boundaries with others as a result of serious Saturn in your sign squaring your ruler, shocking Uranus, in your fourth house of home life this year. The aspect could feel most intense from September 17 to October 24. Being open to reflecting on the past and healing old wounds could ultimately make it easier to cope — and bring you a well-deserved, greater sense of centeredness.


Prepare for a bit of a frenetic vibe to color your love life while sexy Mars is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from October 30 to January 12, 2023. If you're single, you could be dating even more than usual and feeling slightly overwhelmed by all your options. If you're attached, you'll want to be even more in the moment than usual with your S.O., proposing a variety of adventurous activities. Either way, doing your best to be in the moment during this period will make for the most pleasurable results.


In 2021, you got a sneak peek of lucky Jupiter hanging in your second house of income, and this year, it'll be there from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and October 28 to December 20, inspiring a bevy of innovative ideas, pitches, and proposals you can refine and present in order to boost your cash flow. And around May 15 and October 25, when eclipses hit your tenth house of career, circ*mstances out of your control could spur you to rethink how you're defining — and pursuing — success.

Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (12)

Pisces (February 19–March 20)


You got a sneak peek of lucky Jupiter transiting your sign — and first house of self — last year, and now, from December 28, 2021 to May 10 and October 28 to December 20, you'll experience the welcome sense of optimism once more. You'll feel like you can take on just about anything you set your mind to, and that's true. Let your imagination run wild. Whether you're considering honing a new spiritual practice or fitness routine, you have everything you need to move forward with positivity and confidence.


As the year gets going, relationship-oriented Venus will be retrograde in your eleventh house of networking until January 29, allowing you to reconnect with people from the past. Whether you want to revisit a group project you previously backburnered or have a healing conversation with an old friend, this transit can pave the way. And if you miss the opp, you'll get a second chance when messenger Mercury retrogrades there from December 29 to January 18, 2023.


Lucky Jupiter will dip into your second house of income from May 10 to October 28, offering a preview of what you can expect more of in 2023 which will likely be more moneymaking opps than you can keep track of. The key to success will be to get super-clear on what you want to achieve and how you want to show up and what you want to deliver in your professional experiences. Then you'll be able to streamline and exert your energy in an intentional way, which will only improve your results.

Find Out What Your 2022 Horoscope Says About the Year Ahead (2024)
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